ABRA Therapeutics Muscle Therapy Bath, Eucalyptus & Rosemary
Soothes sore muscles. Soothing formula/powerful relief. Pure essential oils. Pure desert minerals. Pure organic herbal extracts. Relieves Aches & Pains: ABRA Therapeutic Baths start with highly concentrated botanical infusions of organically grown roots, leaves, barks, flowers and therapeutic essential oils to provide the entire spectrum of plant nutrients to your body. ABRA Baths contain only natural, nutrient-rich minerals that soften skin and create an ideal delivery system for dispersing our proprietary botanical infusions. ABRA botanicals do not float to the surface and away from your skin. Instead, bioavailable herbal nutrients stay suspended in water to nourish your cells. No lauryl sulfates or preservatives. No uncomfortable rock salt. No animal testing or ingredients. No artificial colors or fragrances. Organic for over 30 years. www.abratherapeutics.com. Made in USA.