Coors Banquet Lager Beer 360 oz
Brisk and satisfying with a subtle sweetness and malty refreshment, Coors Banquet Lager Beer is a golden lager beer with 5% ABV. This American lager is a sessionable golden beer with an inviting aroma of freshly baked bread and understated hints of banana and pear complemented by an effervescent mouthfeel and a crisp finish. With a sturdy balance, this canned beer provides the perfect adult beverage for tailgating, barbecues, fishing trips, garage tinkering, camping, and outdoor exploring. Coors' commitment to quality is unwavering, from brewing with only 100% Rocky Mountain water and ingredients like high country Moravian barley to malting in-house to ensure consistency from grain to glass. Pair Coors beer cans with everyday favorite fare such as burgers, barbecue, and wings. Coors Banquet is the result of conviction and tradition that can be traced back more than 140 years.